20/20 Vision
A year of illumination and clarity.
LAU® (pronounced Lauw)
Love is the energy fueling the actions.
Abundance is the energy that gives space and resources for all of the process for production leading to profit.
Unity is collaboration, connection, inclusion and efficiency.
FLS® (pronounced Fliss)
Fear is the energy fueling threat, insecurity, domination and power-over.
Lack is limitation and control of resources.
Separation is division, disconnection and segregation.
It struck me recently that this crazy, chaotic time could be an invitation to see our lives clearly. Then I realized that 2020 is the year of 20/20 vision… Yes! It is exactly that, seeing clearly! This is the year for us to look honestly at what IS real and what is illusion. Then, we get to choose.
It is my perception and belief that the energies of fear, lack, and separation have informed our collective narrative and shaped our understanding of the world. This is not a new idea, and yet, this year, wow! This year of clear vision has brought this truth into starker reality.
Not only are we able to intellectually consider and weigh the idea of whether fear, lack, and separation have given us our story of how the world works, this year we feel it. In our bones. In our hearts. We taste it. And it isn’t sweet. Fear, lack, and separation are staring us in the face moment upon moment, day after day, and now, month following month. And we are choking on it.
And yet, through all of this pain and confusion, what if nothing is wrong here? What if now is the time for profound, radical transformation and healing, where all of us choose to say “No More!” to fear, lack, and separation (FLS)? Pavo Coaches pronounce this as Fliss.
If we say “No!” to FLS, what do we say “Yes!” to? What now?
Love, Abundance, and Unity (LAU).
These three powerful, fierce, expansive energies stand in opposition to FLS. This is where we look. It is to these energies we open our hearts and invite our minds to follow. Love, Abundance, and Unity are the energies that our world is begging for us to remember. Remember, because we came from them. It bears repeating; Love, Abundance and Unity is where we came from and FLS is what we’ve been taught. Love, Abundance, and Unity, LAU (pronounced LAUW) is our true origin story. They are within us and without question we have the capacity to access them. We need only choose to do so.
The first step to choosing to say “No” to FLS and “Yes!” to LAU is awareness. When you can see FLS, you have the power to choose to not feed it.
See: “Oh, there you are fear, lack, and separation, I see you”.
Choose: “Nope, not gonna feed you this time around.”
Ask: “Okay, I am choosing to respond, act, speak, in this situation from LAU. How do I do that? What does that look like?”
That’s it. Seriously. It’s that simple. By the way, Love, Abundance, and Unity is always simple, is never complicated or overly eloquent which is an easy listening for LAU tool. If it’s difficult to understand or requires you to know a particular lingo, then it’s FLS not LAU. LAU is accessible to every creature, every being, every single one of us. You need nothing but a will to receive and remember LAU.
The first step is a big one, HUGE, momentous and worth repeating.
Bring your awareness to seeing and identifying FLS.
Speak to it. “Oh, this is fear, lack, and separation. Got it. I see you”.
Choose not to feed it with your time, energy, analysis, or stories.
Consciously and with intention choose to shift your gaze, your heart, and your mind to Love, Abundance, and Unity.
Ask, “How do I act, interact, write, speak from and through LAU in this situation?”
Step one is the beginning of the transformation! It is the invitation to answer the question, “Will you see the illusion of FLS and choose LAU?” And by the way, we can see FLS and use LAU in any area of our lives; even, and I might add, especially, the workplace.
Pavo Navigation Coaching exists to transform the workplace to change the world, and we do it by equipping every client, team, and company with the language, practices, tools, and templates from the energies of LAU.
The workplace is the space that brings the most possible impact because it is where most people spend their time, energy, and is where they give their primary attention. It is no longer the social clubs, bowling alleys or religious organizations. Our primary place is work, and therefore when we transform the workplace, we change the world.
Because FLS has shaped every aspect of the way we do things, from business to government, to non-profits, to worship, to law and policy, every product and service we create from FLS spreads FLS. Every workplace where we do this work has some level of FLS toxicity in it. When we take seriously the impact transforming this toxic crud from FLS to LAU, we not only bring a profound change to the world, we improve your company culture and increase your bottom line. LAU is the new pathway to profit.